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Knowing how to properly drive your UTV is important for both your safety and the safety of those around you on the trails or road. Make sure you know how to handle a rollover safely before you find yourself in a rollover situation with these four steps. #1. Wear Your Seatbelt One of the best things you can do to prepare for and handle a rollover safely is to wear your...
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Drinking, Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and UTV Laws

Drinking, Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and UTV Laws

Driving while under the influence doesn’t just happen behind the wheel of a car. Sure, it’s the most common way to get in trouble with the law, but the truth is you can get a DUI while drinking and riding a bike, drinking and driving a boat, or drinking and driving your UTV. Driving under the influence means you are driving while under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. A...
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How To Handle a UTV Fire

How To Handle a UTV Fire

Whether you’re out riding your UTV, or preparing for a big work meeting, it’s best to be prepared. You want to be prepared for things to go well and have a good outcome, but it’s also wise to prepare for the worst so that you’ll be ready to act and solve the problem. You probably have an emergency preparedness kit on your UTV at all times, which is a great way...
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How Often Should You Get Your UTV Serviced?

How Often Should You Get Your UTV Serviced?

Your UTV runs smoothly and works efficiently… until it doesn’t. When you’re out on the trail those little hiccups can be a real downer. First you’ve got to worry about getting your UTV off the trail and back to your vehicle. Then you’ve got to get your UTV to a repair shop, leave it there to be fixed, and then pay a bill. All of this is a stressful hassle that...
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Benefits of Having a Windshield on your UTV

Benefits of Having a Windshield on your UTV

You may consider adding a stereo or extra storage compartments to your UTV a necessity. But what about other accessories? You may not be sold on adding a windshield to your UTV, but there might be a few pros that you haven’t considered. If you purchase any UTV accessory, it should be a windshield. Here are the benefits of having a windshield on your UTV. Benefit #1 SafetyOne of the biggest...
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How To Keep Your Windshield From Fogging Up

How To Keep Your Windshield From Fogging Up

Having a windshield for your UTV has many benefits – your better protected from the elements and from debris on the road, you’ll stay more comfortable no matter what the weather conditions are, and most importantly, you’ll have increased visibility. That is until your windshield starts to fog up! Just like your vehicle’s windshield, your UTV windshield can be susceptible to fogging up. Of course, a foggy windshield is a hazard...
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Safety Tips For Hauling Your UTV On A Trailer

Safety Tips For Hauling Your UTV On A Trailer

Safety is the number one priority when it comes to driving your UTV. But what about your safety before you even arrive at your destination? UTV safety begin as soon as you pull out of your driveway! It takes a few simple steps to make sure you transport your UTV from your home to the trail safely. Follow these safety tips for hauling your UTV on a trailer! Choose the Right...
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Your Guide To Choosing The Right UTV

Your Guide To Choosing The Right UTV

Buying a UTV is a big purchase. Choosing the right UTV is time consuming. You want to make sure it is safe, a good fit for your family and the type of activities you like to enjoy. You also want to make sure you’re getting a good bang for your buck. To help you choose the right UTV, here is a guide that you can follow. Simply ask yourself each of...
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5 Most Important Practices for UTV Safety

UTVs or Utility Terrain Vehicles are fun and practical but can easily turn dangerous or deadly especially when safety rules are not adhered to. UTVs allow to people to sit in the cabin besides each other and are primarily designed for riding over rough terrain. Sometimes the drivers and passengers in utility terrain vehicles may feel safer and a false sense of security which might lead to overconfidence. However, it is...
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