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Benefits of Having a Windshield on your UTV

Benefits of Having a Windshield on your UTV

You may consider adding a stereo or extra storage compartments to your UTV a necessity. But what about other accessories? You may not be sold on adding a windshield to your UTV, but there might be a few pros that you haven’t considered. If you purchase any UTV accessory, it should be a windshield. Here are the benefits of having a windshield on your UTV. Benefit #1 SafetyOne of the biggest...
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How To Keep Your Windshield From Fogging Up

How To Keep Your Windshield From Fogging Up

Having a windshield for your UTV has many benefits – your better protected from the elements and from debris on the road, you’ll stay more comfortable no matter what the weather conditions are, and most importantly, you’ll have increased visibility. That is until your windshield starts to fog up! Just like your vehicle’s windshield, your UTV windshield can be susceptible to fogging up. Of course, a foggy windshield is a hazard...
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