It looks great, I haven't installed it yet because I want to reshape the home made roof and it's to cold here to do it. I can't wait to get it installed to break the cold wind off me. Fast shipping also. Thanks, Ray
UTV Riding Tips: Can My Dog Ride in a UTV with Me?
Can My Dog Ride in a UTV With Me?
If you want to have some extra fun on the trails, let your dog ride in a UTV with you! Let’s face it; your dog is one of your best friends. So, naturally, you’ll want to bring them with you everywhere you go. A UTV ride should be no different. You can safely carry your dog with you, and in today’s blog, we’re explaining how.
To safely bring your dog along for your UTV ride, you need to prepare them. They’ll need to be obedient, learn aversion training, and have a comfy seat for the ride, complete with pet safety gear. Keep reading for all the details you need to know!
Obedience Training
While we’re sure you’ve trained your dog to obey you in most settings, a UTV might not have come up! But if it already has, kudos to you. That’s awesome!
Your dog will need to know to come to you when you call, even if they’re curious about their surroundings and want to explore. What if you encounter something dangerous, like a snake? Curiosity kills sometimes, and that’s the last thing we want for your precious pup!
If your dog doesn’t obey all of your commands all of the time, you’ll need to keep them on a leash to keep them safe. While this isn’t ideal, it might be your only option to bring your pet along safely.
Aversion Training
An intelligent way to train your dog for your UTV ride is through aversion training. For example, snakes are commonly found on the trails. Instead of just teaching your dog to obey your commands, you could also teach them to be scared of and run away from snakes. That way, if your dog spots the snake before you do, you can rest assured they’ll run to you instead of toward danger.
A Comfortable Seat
You want your dog to enjoy riding in comfort, which means teaching them how a UTV works. It’s a bit different than riding along in the car! They won’t have as much space to roam, and you don’t want them to fall out.
Your best bet is to break them into the UTV environment slowly. Bring them out to the UTV with their setup in place so they can explore and sniff it out. Whether they’re in the bed or riding upfront with you, this will set them up for success when they go on your next adventure!
Pup Safety Gear
Obedience and aversion training are great ways to keep your dog safe and snug in the UTV. But we recommend taking it even further with safety gear, including a pair of goggles, a harness, a crate, a pet first aid kit, cold-weather gear, and food and water.
You can’t go wrong protecting your dog’s eyes. You’ll likely be wearing these yourself! A pair of goggles can protect your dog’s eyes from bugs, dirt, mud, filthy water, and more. It can be downright painful, even dangerous, to get stuff in your eyes, so keep goggles at the top of your list of must-haves!
While a collar is usually enough, it won’t cut it for a UTV ride, especially in the cab. You’ll need to get a harness for your pup to prevent them from being tossed around while the UTV is in motion. You’ll want a four- or five-point seat harness. It’s your safest bet – even safer than your lap.
A harness is a good idea to keep your dog in the cab, but a crate is the way to go if they’re staying in the bed. A crate will protect them if they get spooked. You’ll want a crate that can withstand rough, bumpy roads, so we recommend investing in a good one, especially if UTV rides will be a regular thing.
You’ll also want to make sure your dog is comfortable. Don’t just stick them in the crate! Make it cozy first with plenty of blankets and cushions. Even though they’re confined, you want your dog to feel as comfy and at home as possible.
Pet First Aid Kit
You’ll want to bring a pet first aid kit for your pet. They’ll need many of the same items as you – bandages, burn cream, and triple antibiotic ointment. You’ll also need a way to make your dog puke, a turkey baster to administer medicine, and your vet’s contact info. For a comprehensive list of everything your pet might need, check out the ASPCA.
Cold-Weather Gear
Are you taking your dog out on a UTV ride in cold weather? If so, get them the doggy version of a coat! A winter jacket or windbreaker should provide an extra layer of protection when they need to do their business.
Food and Drink
Chances are you’ll bring snacks to keep yourself satiated while you’re out on the trails. Make sure you get some for your dog, too! You don’t need to bring anything special. Regular dog food and extra water should do the trick. But, of course, a treat or two wouldn’t hurt.
A dog ride in a UTV is a great experience that you can safely enjoy. Be sure to take many pics to share with your friends and family! We hope this guide gives you the confidence to bring your furry BFF along for the ride.
TerraRider UTV Windshields & Accessories
Do you need some accessories to outfit your UTV for your dog? A dog ride in a UTV is so fun and an experience you’ll want to have! TerraRider UTV Windshields & Accessories has what you need for your trip.
We’re located in Salt Lake City, Utah, but we offer free shipping in the United States. So, whether you’re near or far, we’ve got your back. Contact us today if you have any questions, or drop by our store!
We hope you have the best UTV adventures with your furry best friend!
It looks great, I haven't installed it yet because I want to reshape the home made roof and it's to cold here to do it. I can't wait to get it installed to break the cold wind off me. Fast shipping also. Thanks, Ray
It looks great, I haven't installed it yet because I want to reshape the home made roof and it's to cold here to do it. I can't wait to get it installed to break the cold wind off me. Fast shipping also. Thanks, Ray