It looks great, I haven't installed it yet because I want to reshape the home made roof and it's to cold here to do it. I can't wait to get it installed to break the cold wind off me. Fast shipping also. Thanks, Ray
Before you hit the trails with your UTV, make sure that you don’t make any of these common rookie mistakes. Keep your UTV adventures safe and keep your machine long lasting when you drive (and ride) smarter. With just a few simple tips you can keep your UTV rides safe and fun for many years to come.
Being unprepared.
Don’t get stranded without having what you need to get going again. There is limited space in your UTV. Many new drivers make the mistake of filling it with a cool stereo and a cooler instead of important tools and a first aid kit. You should have what you need to repair a flat, change a CVT belt, and jumper cables.
Not wearing safety gear.
When you’re moving at high speeds in unpredictable terrain like you often are UTVing, you should be wearing protective gear. The minimum is a helmet and protective eye gear. Some states even require a helmet by law. A smart driver (and rider) would wear a helmet, eye protection, a long-sleeved shirt, gloves, and boots.
Driving alone.
Don’t make the mistake of going it alone. You should always be traveling with at least one other machine in case of a breakdown or accident. If you are driving alone, be sure that you are driving in a popular area where there are lots of other drivers.
Going for look over function and safety.
Another common rookie mistake—spending all of your money on bling instead of function. It may be cool to have the new stereo or loud exhaust, but if your tires are worn, you have no helmet, or your belt needs replacing, it’s really not smart.
Put your money towards your UTV’s function, keeping it a safe and long lasting ride before a tripped out ride. Invest in a good helmet, quality seat belts, roof, doors, tires, etc. Keep your machine maintained and taken care of, then you get to go for the fun add-ons.
Ignoring tire pressure.
Ignoring tire pressure can be very dangerous. It is critical to the safety and performance of your machine. Each machine will have tire-pressure information that should be followed for maximum safety for you and the health of your UTV. Tire pressure should go lower in sand or mud and higher in rocky areas.
Not being familiar with your ride.
Before you get going too fast and furious on your UTV, become familiar with it. You may need to break in the CVT belt, or there may be little perks that you don’t know about that. Do some low key test runs to become familiar with your UTV superficially, it may differ from other UTVs you’ve driven in the past.
Using suspensions wrong.
Suspension is adjustable for a reason—use those adjustments! Set your ride height, try out different settings, get familiar with your machine. Suspension should move freely, you may need to grease it from time to time.
It looks great, I haven't installed it yet because I want to reshape the home made roof and it's to cold here to do it. I can't wait to get it installed to break the cold wind off me. Fast shipping also. Thanks, Ray
It looks great, I haven't installed it yet because I want to reshape the home made roof and it's to cold here to do it. I can't wait to get it installed to break the cold wind off me. Fast shipping also. Thanks, Ray