It looks great, I haven't installed it yet because I want to reshape the home made roof and it's to cold here to do it. I can't wait to get it installed to break the cold wind off me. Fast shipping also. Thanks, Ray
As with all other recreational vehicles, you will find that there is a size or age limit to operate a UTV for safety reasons.
We outline them here, so you don't want to miss this.
At What Age Is It Illegal to Operate a UTV?
For this article, we will be referring to the Utah State courses and requirements. In Utah, if you are a child and are under the age of 8- you are prohibited from driving a UTV on public lands. There is no size requirement in Utah. In other states, the age range varies but is often similar to these regulations.
Are There Any Exceptions to This Rule?
Eight-year-old youth who may be participating in a sanctioned race or organized practice can operate a UTV if supervised by an adult with medical personnel present. This rule is not taken lightly, as it states that the child must be within 300 feet with visual range.
What If The Child is Over The Age Of 8?
To meet the requirements and the size or age limit to operate a UTV, all children and adolescents ages eight to fifteen must complete an Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Education Certificate before using a UTV on public lands. You can find the course beginnings here. Adolescents over the age of 16 must possess a valid driver’s license if they do not have an OHV education certificate.
The OHV Education Certification Course
Once registered and completed, the course is applicable for life and suitable for the state you complete it in. When working through the class, you will participate in various online videos and scenarios designed to teach you about the basics of riding a UTV. It is easy to understand the material with quality educators as the actors. The training program meets the criteria and standards of Utah OHV Safety Education or the state in which you reside.
Is The Course a Textbook or Can It Be Performed Online?
You can take the course via textbook and mobile options for those who take the class. You can choose between a laptop, tablet, desktop computer, and mobile phone for those who prefer mobile options.
Is There A Timeframe Given to Complete the Course?
There is no set deadline or timeframe to complete the OHV Education Course. If you choose to start the course online, you can complete it all in one day- or choose to break it up over days and weeks. Whatever you choose, you have the option to log in or out, and you can save your progress until you are ready for it to start again. Once complete, adolescents aged eight to fifteen can operate a UTV.
How Much Does It Cost?
There is a one-time course fee of $30.00 upfront when you sign up for the course. Then the certificate is good for life, and no other costs are required of this course.
Call TerraRider UTV Windshields & Accessories for All Your UTV Needs
We hope you have found this information on the size or age limit to operate a UTV helpful and informative. Safety is our first concern as we help you in your new UTV venture. So whether you have questions about your UTV or you’re just looking for new accessories and windshields that will take your vehicle to the next level, reach out to TerraRider UTVE Windshields and Accessories.
We are located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and are eager to answer any questions you may have. Check our online store today to shop our range of products that ship across the United States or call us at (801)-923-6347, and a friendly associate will assist you. Contact us today!
It looks great, I haven't installed it yet because I want to reshape the home made roof and it's to cold here to do it. I can't wait to get it installed to break the cold wind off me. Fast shipping also. Thanks, Ray
It looks great, I haven't installed it yet because I want to reshape the home made roof and it's to cold here to do it. I can't wait to get it installed to break the cold wind off me. Fast shipping also. Thanks, Ray